Source code for xbe

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Matt Borgerson
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Python 3 Library to work with `.xbe` files, the executable file format for the
original Xbox game console.

import ctypes
import logging
import struct
import time

from enum import IntFlag
from typing import (

    RGBA = Tuple[float, float, float, float]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__version__ = "1.0.4.dev0"

[docs]class XbeKernelImage: """ xboxkrnl.exe model """ exports = { 1: "AvGetSavedDataAddress", 2: "AvSendTVEncoderOption", 3: "AvSetDisplayMode", 4: "AvSetSavedDataAddress", 5: "DbgBreakPoint", 6: "DbgBreakPointWithStatus", 7: "DbgLoadImageSymbols", 8: "DbgPrint", 9: "HalReadSMCTrayState", 10: "DbgPrompt", 11: "DbgUnLoadImageSymbols", 12: "ExAcquireReadWriteLockExclusive", 13: "ExAcquireReadWriteLockShared", 14: "ExAllocatePool", 15: "ExAllocatePoolWithTag", 16: "ExEventObjectType", 17: "ExFreePool", 18: "ExInitializeReadWriteLock", 19: "ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger", 20: "ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic", 21: "ExInterlockedCompareExchange64", 22: "ExMutantObjectType", 23: "ExQueryPoolBlockSize", 24: "ExQueryNonVolatileSetting", 25: "ExReadWriteRefurbInfo", 26: "ExRaiseException", 27: "ExRaiseStatus", 28: "ExReleaseReadWriteLock", 29: "ExSaveNonVolatileSetting", 30: "ExSemaphoreObjectType", 31: "ExTimerObjectType", 32: "ExfInterlockedInsertHeadList", 33: "ExfInterlockedInsertTailList", 34: "ExfInterlockedRemoveHeadList", 35: "FscGetCacheSize", 36: "FscInvalidateIdleBlocks", 37: "FscSetCacheSize", 38: "HalClearSoftwareInterrupt", 39: "HalDisableSystemInterrupt", 40: "HalDiskCachePartitionCount", 41: "HalDiskModelNumber", 42: "HalDiskSerialNumber", 43: "HalEnableSystemInterrupt", 44: "HalGetInterruptVector", 45: "HalReadSMBusValue", 46: "HalReadWritePCISpace", 47: "HalRegisterShutdownNotification", 48: "HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt", 49: "HalReturnToFirmware", 50: "HalWriteSMBusValue", 51: "InterlockedCompareExchange", 52: "InterlockedDecrement", 53: "InterlockedIncrement", 54: "InterlockedExchange", 55: "InterlockedExchangeAdd", 56: "InterlockedFlushSList", 57: "InterlockedPopEntrySList", 58: "InterlockedPushEntrySList", 59: "IoAllocateIrp", 60: "IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest", 61: "IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest", 62: "IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest", 63: "IoCheckShareAccess", 64: "IoCompletionObjectType", 65: "IoCreateDevice", 66: "IoCreateFile", 67: "IoCreateSymbolicLink", 68: "IoDeleteDevice", 69: "IoDeleteSymbolicLink", 70: "IoDeviceObjectType", 71: "IoFileObjectType", 72: "IoFreeIrp", 73: "IoInitializeIrp", 74: "IoInvalidDeviceRequest", 75: "IoQueryFileInformation", 76: "IoQueryVolumeInformation", 77: "IoQueueThreadIrp", 78: "IoRemoveShareAccess", 79: "IoSetIoCompletion", 80: "IoSetShareAccess", 81: "IoStartNextPacket", 82: "IoStartNextPacketByKey", 83: "IoStartPacket", 84: "IoSynchronousDeviceIoControlRequest", 85: "IoSynchronousFsdRequest", 86: "IofCallDriver", 87: "IofCompleteRequest", 88: "KdDebuggerEnabled", 89: "KdDebuggerNotPresent", 90: "IoDismountVolume", 91: "IoDismountVolumeByName", 92: "KeAlertResumeThread", 93: "KeAlertThread", 94: "KeBoostPriorityThread", 95: "KeBugCheck", 96: "KeBugCheckEx", 97: "KeCancelTimer", 98: "KeConnectInterrupt", 99: "KeDelayExecutionThread", 100: "KeDisconnectInterrupt", 101: "KeEnterCriticalRegion", 102: "MmGlobalData", 103: "KeGetCurrentIrql", 104: "KeGetCurrentThread", 105: "KeInitializeApc", 106: "KeInitializeDeviceQueue", 107: "KeInitializeDpc", 108: "KeInitializeEvent", 109: "KeInitializeInterrupt", 110: "KeInitializeMutant", 111: "KeInitializeQueue", 112: "KeInitializeSemaphore", 113: "KeInitializeTimerEx", 114: "KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue", 115: "KeInsertDeviceQueue", 116: "KeInsertHeadQueue", 117: "KeInsertQueue", 118: "KeInsertQueueApc", 119: "KeInsertQueueDpc", 120: "KeInterruptTime", 121: "KeIsExecutingDpc", 122: "KeLeaveCriticalRegion", 123: "KePulseEvent", 124: "KeQueryBasePriorityThread", 125: "KeQueryInterruptTime", 126: "KeQueryPerformanceCounter", 127: "KeQueryPerformanceFrequency", 128: "KeQuerySystemTime", 129: "KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel", 130: "KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel", 131: "KeReleaseMutant", 132: "KeReleaseSemaphore", 133: "KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue", 134: "KeRemoveDeviceQueue", 135: "KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue", 136: "KeRemoveQueue", 137: "KeRemoveQueueDpc", 138: "KeResetEvent", 139: "KeRestoreFloatingPointState", 140: "KeResumeThread", 141: "KeRundownQueue", 142: "KeSaveFloatingPointState", 143: "KeSetBasePriorityThread", 144: "KeSetDisableBoostThread", 145: "KeSetEvent", 146: "KeSetEventBoostPriority", 147: "KeSetPriorityProcess", 148: "KeSetPriorityThread", 149: "KeSetTimer", 150: "KeSetTimerEx", 151: "KeStallExecutionProcessor", 152: "KeSuspendThread", 153: "KeSynchronizeExecution", 154: "KeSystemTime", 155: "KeTestAlertThread", 156: "KeTickCount", 157: "KeTimeIncrement", 158: "KeWaitForMultipleObjects", 159: "KeWaitForSingleObject", 160: "KfRaiseIrql", 161: "KfLowerIrql", 162: "KiBugCheckData", 163: "KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase", 164: "LaunchDataPage", 165: "MmAllocateContiguousMemory", 166: "MmAllocateContiguousMemoryEx", 167: "MmAllocateSystemMemory", 168: "MmClaimGpuInstanceMemory", 169: "MmCreateKernelStack", 170: "MmDeleteKernelStack", 171: "MmFreeContiguousMemory", 172: "MmFreeSystemMemory", 173: "MmGetPhysicalAddress", 174: "MmIsAddressValid", 175: "MmLockUnlockBufferPages", 176: "MmLockUnlockPhysicalPage", 177: "MmMapIoSpace", 178: "MmPersistContiguousMemory", 179: "MmQueryAddressProtect", 180: "MmQueryAllocationSize", 181: "MmQueryStatistics", 182: "MmSetAddressProtect", 183: "MmUnmapIoSpace", 184: "NtAllocateVirtualMemory", 185: "NtCancelTimer", 186: "NtClearEvent", 187: "NtClose", 188: "NtCreateDirectoryObject", 189: "NtCreateEvent", 190: "NtCreateFile", 191: "NtCreateIoCompletion", 192: "NtCreateMutant", 193: "NtCreateSemaphore", 194: "NtCreateTimer", 195: "NtDeleteFile", 196: "NtDeviceIoControlFile", 197: "NtDuplicateObject", 198: "NtFlushBuffersFile", 199: "NtFreeVirtualMemory", 200: "NtFsControlFile", 201: "NtOpenDirectoryObject", 202: "NtOpenFile", 203: "NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject", 204: "NtProtectVirtualMemory", 205: "NtPulseEvent", 206: "NtQueueApcThread", 207: "NtQueryDirectoryFile", 208: "NtQueryDirectoryObject", 209: "NtQueryEvent", 210: "NtQueryFullAttributesFile", 211: "NtQueryInformationFile", 212: "NtQueryIoCompletion", 213: "NtQueryMutant", 214: "NtQuerySemaphore", 215: "NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject", 216: "NtQueryTimer", 217: "NtQueryVirtualMemory", 218: "NtQueryVolumeInformationFile", 219: "NtReadFile", 220: "NtReadFileScatter", 221: "NtReleaseMutant", 222: "NtReleaseSemaphore", 223: "NtRemoveIoCompletion", 224: "NtResumeThread", 225: "NtSetEvent", 226: "NtSetInformationFile", 227: "NtSetIoCompletion", 228: "NtSetSystemTime", 229: "NtSetTimerEx", 230: "NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObjectEx", 231: "NtSuspendThread", 232: "NtUserIoApcDispatcher", 233: "NtWaitForSingleObject", 234: "NtWaitForSingleObjectEx", 235: "NtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx", 236: "NtWriteFile", 237: "NtWriteFileGather", 238: "NtYieldExecution", 239: "ObCreateObject", 240: "ObDirectoryObjectType", 241: "ObInsertObject", 242: "ObMakeTemporaryObject", 243: "ObOpenObjectByName", 244: "ObOpenObjectByPointer", 245: "ObpObjectHandleTable", 246: "ObReferenceObjectByHandle", 247: "ObReferenceObjectByName", 248: "ObReferenceObjectByPointer", 249: "ObSymbolicLinkObjectType", 250: "ObfDereferenceObject", 251: "ObfReferenceObject", 252: "PhyGetLinkState", 253: "PhyInitialize", 254: "PsCreateSystemThread", 255: "PsCreateSystemThreadEx", 256: "PsQueryStatistics", 257: "PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine", 258: "PsTerminateSystemThread", 259: "PsThreadObjectType", 260: "RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString", 261: "RtlAppendStringToString", 262: "RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString", 263: "RtlAppendUnicodeToString", 264: "RtlAssert", 265: "RtlCaptureContext", 266: "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace", 267: "RtlCharToInteger", 268: "RtlCompareMemory", 269: "RtlCompareMemoryUlong", 270: "RtlCompareString", 271: "RtlCompareUnicodeString", 272: "RtlCopyString", 273: "RtlCopyUnicodeString", 274: "RtlCreateUnicodeString", 275: "RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar", 276: "RtlDowncaseUnicodeString", 277: "RtlEnterCriticalSection", 278: "RtlEnterCriticalSectionAndRegion", 279: "RtlEqualString", 280: "RtlEqualUnicodeString", 281: "RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply", 282: "RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide", 283: "RtlExtendedMagicDivide", 284: "RtlFillMemory", 285: "RtlFillMemoryUlong", 286: "RtlFreeAnsiString", 287: "RtlFreeUnicodeString", 288: "RtlGetCallersAddress", 289: "RtlInitAnsiString", 290: "RtlInitUnicodeString", 291: "RtlInitializeCriticalSection", 292: "RtlIntegerToChar", 293: "RtlIntegerToUnicodeString", 294: "RtlLeaveCriticalSection", 295: "RtlLeaveCriticalSectionAndRegion", 296: "RtlLowerChar", 297: "RtlMapGenericMask", 298: "RtlMoveMemory", 299: "RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN", 300: "RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize", 301: "RtlNtStatusToDosError", 302: "RtlRaiseException", 303: "RtlRaiseStatus", 304: "RtlTimeFieldsToTime", 305: "RtlTimeToTimeFields", 306: "RtlTryEnterCriticalSection", 307: "RtlUlongByteSwap", 308: "RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString", 309: "RtlUnicodeStringToInteger", 310: "RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN", 311: "RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize", 312: "RtlUnwind", 313: "RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar", 314: "RtlUpcaseUnicodeString", 315: "RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN", 316: "RtlUpperChar", 317: "RtlUpperString", 318: "RtlUshortByteSwap", 319: "RtlWalkFrameChain", 320: "RtlZeroMemory", 321: "XboxEEPROMKey", 322: "XboxHardwareInfo", 323: "XboxHDKey", 324: "XboxKrnlVersion", 325: "XboxSignatureKey", 326: "XeImageFileName", 327: "XeLoadSection", 328: "XeUnloadSection", 329: "READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR", 330: "READ_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT", 331: "READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG", 332: "WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR", 333: "WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_USHORT", 334: "WRITE_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG", 335: "XcSHAInit", 336: "XcSHAUpdate", 337: "XcSHAFinal", 338: "XcRC4Key", 339: "XcRC4Crypt", 340: "XcHMAC", 341: "XcPKEncPublic", 342: "XcPKDecPrivate", 343: "XcPKGetKeyLen", 344: "XcVerifyPKCS1Signature", 345: "XcModExp", 346: "XcDESKeyParity", 347: "XcKeyTable", 348: "XcBlockCrypt", 349: "XcBlockCryptCBC", 350: "XcCryptService", 351: "XcUpdateCrypto", 352: "RtlRip", 353: "XboxLANKey", 354: "XboxAlternateSignatureKeys", 355: "XePublicKeyData", 356: "HalBootSMCVideoMode", 357: "IdexChannelObject", 358: "HalIsResetOrShutdownPending", 359: "IoMarkIrpMustComplete", 360: "HalInitiateShutdown", 361: "RtlSnprintf", 362: "RtlSprintf", 363: "RtlVsnprintf", 364: "RtlVsprintf", 365: "HalEnableSecureTrayEject", 366: "HalWriteSMCScratchRegister", 374: "MmDbgAllocateMemory", 375: "MmDbgFreeMemory", 376: "MmDbgQueryAvailablePages", 377: "MmDbgReleaseAddress", 378: "MmDbgWriteCheck", }
[docs]class EnumMapperMixin: """ Mixin to convert integers into enumeration types. """ _enummap_: Dict[str, Type[IntFlag]] = {} def __getattribute__(self, attr): enummap = super().__getattribute__("_enummap_") if attr in enummap: return enummap[attr](super().__getattribute__(attr)) return super().__getattribute__(attr)
[docs]class StructurePrintMixin: """ A simple mixin to __repr__ ctypes structures """ _fields_: Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, Any], Tuple[str, Any, int]]] def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.dumps()
[docs] def dumps(self, indent: int = 0) -> str: """ Pretty-print all fields and values of the structure, return a string """ s = "" max_name_len = max(len(item[0]) for item in self._fields_) for item in self._fields_: fname, ftype = item[0], item[1] fval = getattr(self, fname) s += " " * indent + ("%s: " % fname).ljust(max_name_len + 2) uint_types = {ctypes.c_uint8, ctypes.c_uint16, ctypes.c_uint32} if issubclass(ftype, StructurePrintMixin): s += "\n" + fval.dumps(indent + 2) elif ftype in uint_types: if isinstance(fval, IntFlag): s += f"{repr(fval)}" else: s += f"{fval:#x}" elif issubclass(ftype, ctypes.Array) and ftype._type_ in uint_types: sz = ctypes.sizeof(ftype._type_) fmt, wrap = f"%0{sz*2}x ", 16 // sz for i in range(ftype._length_): if i % wrap == 0: s += "\n" + " " * (indent + 2) s += fmt % fval[i] elif issubclass(ftype, ctypes.Array) and ftype._type_ is ctypes.c_char: s += repr(bytes(fval)) else: s += "?" s += "\n" return s.rstrip() # Trim trailing newline
[docs]class XbeImageHeader( EnumMapperMixin, ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin ): """ XBE Image Header structure """
[docs] class InitFlags(IntFlag): """ XBE init flags """ MOUNT_UTILITY_DRIVE = 1 FORMAT_UTILITY_DRIVE = 2 LIMIT64MB = 4 DONT_SETUP_HARD_DISK = 8
_pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("magic", ctypes.c_uint32), ("signature", ctypes.c_uint8 * 256), ("base_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("headers_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("image_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("image_header_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("timestamp", ctypes.c_uint32), ("certificate_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("section_count", ctypes.c_uint32), ("section_headers_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("init_flags", ctypes.c_uint32), ("entry_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("tls_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("pe_stack_commit", ctypes.c_uint32), ("pe_heap_reserve", ctypes.c_uint32), ("pe_heap_commit", ctypes.c_uint32), ("pe_base_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("pe_image_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("pe_checksum", ctypes.c_uint32), ("pe_timestamp", ctypes.c_uint32), ("debug_pathname_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("debug_filename_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("debug_unicode_filename_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kern_thunk_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("import_dir_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("lib_versions_count", ctypes.c_uint32), ("lib_versions_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("kern_lib_version_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("xapi_lib_version_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("logo_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("logo_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ] _enummap_ = {"init_flags": InitFlags}
[docs]class XbeImageHeaderExtendedType1(XbeImageHeader): """ XBE Extended Image Header structure (Type 1) """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("lib_features_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("lib_features_count", ctypes.c_uint32), ]
[docs]class XbeImageHeaderExtendedType2(XbeImageHeaderExtendedType1): """ XBE Extended Image Header structure (Type 2) """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("debug_info", ctypes.c_uint32), ]
[docs]class XbeImageCertificate( EnumMapperMixin, ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin ): """ XBE Image Certificate structure """
[docs] class AllowedMediaTypes(IntFlag): """ Allowed media type flags """ HARD_DISK = 1 DVD_X2 = 2 DVD_CD = 4 CD = 8 DVD_5_RO = 0x10 DVD_9_RO = 0x20 DVD_5_RW = 0x40 DVD_9_RW = 0x80 DONGLE = 0x100 MEDIA_BOARD = 0x200 NONSECURE_HARD_DISK = 0x40000000 NONSECURE_MODE = 0x80000000
[docs] class GameRegions(IntFlag): """ Allowed game region flags """ NA = 1 JAPAN = 2 RESTOFWORLD = 4 MANUFACTURING = 0x80000000
_pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("timestamp", ctypes.c_uint32), ("title_id", ctypes.c_uint32), ("title_name", ctypes.c_uint16 * 40), ("title_alt_ids", ctypes.c_uint32 * 16), ("allowed_media", ctypes.c_uint32), ("game_region", ctypes.c_uint32), ("ratings", ctypes.c_uint32), ("disc_num", ctypes.c_uint32), ("version", ctypes.c_uint32), ("lan_key", ctypes.c_uint8 * 16), ("signature_key", ctypes.c_uint8 * 16), ("alt_signature_keys", (ctypes.c_uint8 * 16) * 16), ] _enummap_ = {"allowed_media": AllowedMediaTypes, "game_region": GameRegions}
[docs]class XbeImageCertificateExtended(XbeImageCertificate): """ XBE Extended Image Certificate structure """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("original_certificate_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("online_service_id", ctypes.c_uint32), ("security_flags", ctypes.c_uint32), ("code_enc_key", ctypes.c_uint8 * 16), ]
[docs]class XbeSectionHeader( EnumMapperMixin, ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin ): """ XBE Section Header structure """
[docs] class Flags(IntFlag): """ XBE section flags """ WRITABLE = 1 PRELOAD = 2 EXECUTABLE = 4 INSERTED_FILE = 8 HEAD_PAGE_READ_ONLY = 0x10 TAIL_PAGE_READ_ONLY = 0x20
_pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("flags", ctypes.c_uint32), ("virtual_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("virtual_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("raw_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("raw_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("section_name_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("section_name_ref_count", ctypes.c_uint32), ("head_shared_page_ref_count_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("tail_shared_page_ref_count_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("digest", ctypes.c_uint8 * 20), ] _enummap_ = {"flags": Flags}
[docs]class XbeLibraryVersion(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin): """ XBE Library Version structure """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("name", ctypes.c_char * 8), ("ver_major", ctypes.c_uint16), ("ver_minor", ctypes.c_uint16), ("ver_build", ctypes.c_uint16), ("qfeversion", ctypes.c_uint16, 13), ("approved", ctypes.c_uint16, 2), ("debug_build", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), ]
[docs]class XbeLibraryFeatureDescriptor(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin): """ XBE Library Feature structure """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("name", ctypes.c_char * 8), ("ver_major", ctypes.c_uint16), ("ver_minor", ctypes.c_uint16), ("ver_build", ctypes.c_uint16), ("flags", ctypes.c_uint16), ]
[docs]class XbeTlsHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin): """ XBE TLS Header Structure """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("data_start_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("data_end_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("tls_index_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("tls_callback_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("zero_fill_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("characteristics", ctypes.c_uint32), ]
[docs]class XbeImportDescriptor(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin): """ XBE Import Descriptor structure """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("thunk_array_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ("image_name_addr", ctypes.c_uint32), ]
[docs]class Xbe: """ Parses and creates original Xbox Executables """ ENTRY_DEBUG = 0x94859D4B ENTRY_RETAIL = 0xA8FC57AB KTHUNK_DEBUG = 0xEFB1F152 KTHUNK_RETAIL = 0x5B6D40B6 def __init__(self, data: Optional[bytes] = None): """ Constructor """ self.header = XbeImageHeader() self.pathname = b"" self.filename = b"" self.filename_uc: str = "" self.entry_addr = 0 self.is_debug = False self.sections: Dict[str, XbeSection] = {} self.kern_imports: List[str] = [] self.cert = XbeImageCertificate() self.tls = XbeTlsHeader() self.libraries: Dict[str, XbeLibrary] = {} self.library_features: Dict[str, XbeLibraryFeature] = {} self.logo: bytes = b"" self.junk_data = b"" if data is not None: self._init_from_data(data) def _init_from_data(self, data: bytes) -> None: # Parse XBE header log.debug("Parsing image header at offset 0") self.header = XbeImageHeader.from_buffer_copy(data, 0) if self.header.image_header_size == ctypes.sizeof(XbeImageHeader): pass elif self.header.image_header_size == ctypes.sizeof( XbeImageHeaderExtendedType1 ): self.header = XbeImageHeaderExtendedType1.from_buffer_copy(data, 0) elif self.header.image_header_size == ctypes.sizeof( XbeImageHeaderExtendedType2 ): self.header = XbeImageHeaderExtendedType2.from_buffer_copy(data, 0) else: log.warning("Unexpected XBE image header size!") assert self.header.image_header_size > ctypes.sizeof(XbeImageHeader) # FIXME: Validate magic # FIXME: Validate signature/integrity log.debug("Image Header:\n%s", self.header.dumps(indent=2)) self.header_data = data[0 : self.header.headers_size] # Load debug pathname, filename self.pathname = self.get_cstring_from_offset( data, self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.debug_pathname_addr) ) self.filename = self.get_cstring_from_offset( data, self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.debug_filename_addr) ) self.filename_uc = self.get_wcstring_from_offset( data, self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.debug_unicode_filename_addr) ) log.debug("Image Path: %r", self.pathname) log.debug("Image Filename: %r", self.filename) log.debug("Image Filename (Unicode): %s", self.filename_uc) log.debug( "Image Timestamp: %s", time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.header.timestamp)) ) # Load logo logo_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.logo_addr) logo_end = logo_offset + self.header.logo_size self.logo = data[logo_offset:logo_end] # Identify extra junk in the header self.junk_data = data[logo_end : self.header.headers_size] if len(self.junk_data) > 0: log.debug( "Image contained %d bytes of junk/pad in header", len(self.junk_data) ) # Unscramble entry address self.entry_addr = self.header.entry_addr ^ Xbe.ENTRY_DEBUG if self.entry_addr < 0x4000000: self.is_debug = True else: self.entry_addr = self.header.entry_addr ^ Xbe.ENTRY_RETAIL self.is_debug = False log.debug("XBE Entry Address: %#x", self.entry_addr) log.debug("XBE is %s build", "Debug" if self.is_debug else "Retail") # Parse sections sec_hdr_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.section_headers_addr) for i in range(self.header.section_count): # FIXME: Validate addresses # Load section header log.debug("Parsing section header at offset %#x", sec_hdr_offset) sec_hdr = XbeSectionHeader.from_buffer_copy(data, sec_hdr_offset) # Get section name sec_name = self.get_cstring_from_offset( data, self.vaddr_to_file_offset(sec_hdr.section_name_addr) ).decode("ascii") # Check for duplicate section names and rename count = 1 sec_name_base = sec_name while sec_name in self.sections: count += 1 sec_name = f"{sec_name_base}_{count}" if count > 1: log.warning( "Duplicate section name %s found. Renaming to %s.", sec_name_base, sec_name, ) # Get section data sec_data_start = sec_hdr.raw_addr sec_data_end = sec_data_start + sec_hdr.raw_size sec_data = data[sec_data_start:sec_data_end] self.sections[sec_name] = XbeSection(sec_name_base, sec_hdr, sec_data) log.debug("Section %d: %s\n%s", i, sec_name, sec_hdr.dumps(indent=2)) sec_hdr_offset += ctypes.sizeof(XbeSectionHeader) # Load certificate cert_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.certificate_addr) log.debug("Parsing image certificate at offset %#x", cert_offset) # FIXME: Validate address self.cert = XbeImageCertificate.from_buffer_copy(data, cert_offset) if self.cert.size == ctypes.sizeof(XbeImageCertificate): pass elif self.cert.size == ctypes.sizeof(XbeImageCertificateExtended): self.cert = XbeImageCertificateExtended.from_buffer_copy(data, cert_offset) else: log.warning("Unexpected XBE image certificate size!") assert self.cert.size > ctypes.sizeof(XbeImageCertificate) self.title_name = str(self.cert.title_name, encoding="utf_16_le").rstrip("\x00") log.debug("XBE Title Name: %s", self.title_name) log.debug("XBE Title Id: %#x", self.cert.title_id) log.debug("Certificate:\n%s", self.cert.dumps(indent=2)) # Parse libraries if self.header.lib_versions_addr != 0: lib_ver_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.lib_versions_addr) log.debug("Parsing library versions at offset %#x", lib_ver_offset) for i in range(self.header.lib_versions_count): # FIXME: Validate address lib_ver = XbeLibraryVersion.from_buffer_copy(data, lib_ver_offset) lib = XbeLibrary(lib_ver) self.libraries[] = lib log.debug( "Library %d: '%s' (%d.%d.%d)", i,, lib.header.ver_major, lib.header.ver_minor, lib.header.ver_build, ) lib_ver_offset += ctypes.sizeof(XbeLibraryVersion) # Parse library features if ( isinstance(self.header, XbeImageHeaderExtendedType1) and self.header.lib_features_addr != 0 ): lib_feat_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.lib_features_addr) log.debug("Parsing library features at offset %#x", lib_feat_offset) for i in range(self.header.lib_features_count): # FIXME: Validate address lib_feat = XbeLibraryFeature( XbeLibraryFeatureDescriptor.from_buffer_copy(data, lib_feat_offset) ) self.library_features[] = lib_feat log.debug( "Library Feature %d: '%s' (%d.%d.%d)", i,, lib_feat.header.ver_major, lib_feat.header.ver_minor, lib_feat.header.ver_build, ) lib_feat_offset += ctypes.sizeof(XbeLibraryFeatureDescriptor) # Parse TLS if self.header.tls_addr != 0: tls_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.tls_addr) log.debug("Parsing TLS header at offset %#x", tls_offset) self.tls = XbeTlsHeader.from_buffer_copy(data, tls_offset) log.debug("TLS:\n%s", self.tls.dumps(indent=2)) # Parse kernel imports # FIXME: Validate address kern_thunk_table_addr = self.header.kern_thunk_addr kern_thunk_table_addr ^= ( Xbe.KTHUNK_DEBUG if self.is_debug else Xbe.KTHUNK_RETAIL ) kern_thunk_table_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(kern_thunk_table_addr) log.debug( "Parsing kernel thunk table at address %#x (offset %#x)", kern_thunk_table_addr, kern_thunk_table_offset, ) i = 0 while True: x = ctypes.c_uint32.from_buffer_copy(data, kern_thunk_table_offset) if x.value == 0: break import_name = XbeKernelImage.exports[x.value - 0x80000000] self.kern_imports.append(import_name) thunk_addr = kern_thunk_table_addr + i * 4 log.debug("Import %d: 0x%x - %s @ %x", i, x.value, import_name, thunk_addr) i += 1 kern_thunk_table_offset += 4 # Parse imports self.imports = [] if self.header.import_dir_addr != 0: import_dir_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(self.header.import_dir_addr) log.debug( "Parsing kernel imports at address %#x (offset %#x)", self.header.import_dir_addr, import_dir_offset, ) while True: entry = XbeImportDescriptor.from_buffer_copy(data, import_dir_offset) if entry.thunk_array_addr == 0 or entry.image_name_addr == 0: break image_name = self.get_wcstring_from_offset( data, self.vaddr_to_file_offset(entry.image_name_addr) ) self.imports.append((image_name, entry.thunk_array_addr)) log.debug( "XBE imports image %s (name at %#x)", image_name, entry.image_name_addr, ) thunk_array_offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(entry.thunk_array_addr) thunk_addr = entry.thunk_array_addr while True: x = ctypes.c_uint32.from_buffer_copy(data, thunk_array_offset) if x.value == 0: break ordinal = x.value & 0x7FFFFFFF log.debug("[%s] Import %d @ %#x", image_name, ordinal, thunk_addr) thunk_array_offset += 4 thunk_addr += 4 import_dir_offset += ctypes.sizeof(XbeImportDescriptor)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cstring_from_offset(data: bytes, offset: int) -> bytes: """ Read null-terminated string from `offset` in `data` """ name = bytearray() while True: x = data[offset] if x == 0: break name.append(x) offset += 1 return name
[docs] @staticmethod def get_wcstring_from_offset(data: bytes, offset: int) -> str: """ Read null-terminated string from `offset` in `data` """ name = bytearray() while True: x = data[offset : offset + 2] if x == b"\x00\x00": break name += x offset += 2 return str(name, encoding="utf_16_le")
[docs] def vaddr_to_file_offset(self, addr: int) -> int: """ Get XBE file offset from virtual address """ # FIXME: Does not take into account access length! Be wary of section # boundaries. hdr_start = cast(int, self.header.base_addr) hdr_end = hdr_start + self.header.headers_size if hdr_start <= addr < hdr_end: return addr - hdr_start for sec in self.sections.values(): sec_start = cast(int, sec.header.virtual_addr) sec_end = sec_start + sec.header.virtual_size if sec_start <= addr < sec_end: return (addr - sec_start) + cast(int, sec.header.raw_addr) raise IndexError("Could not map virtual address to XBE file offset")
[docs] def pack(self) -> bytes: """ Pack an XBE bottom-up """ # XBE's always reserve 4k for headers on file def round_up(value: int, align: int = 0x1000) -> int: return (value + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1) def off_to_addr(off: int) -> int: return cast(int, self.header.base_addr) + off # FIXME: Adjust offset dynamically, don't depend on existing slack raw_off = round_up(self.header.headers_size) # Construct section data section_data = b"" for name in sorted( self.sections, key=lambda x: cast(int, self.sections[x].header.virtual_addr) ): s = self.sections[name] if s.header.raw_addr not in {0, raw_off}: log.warning( "Expected %#x for %s, got %#x", s.header.raw_addr, name, raw_off ) s.header.raw_addr = raw_off section_data += raw_off += len( # Align to 4k new_offset = round_up(raw_off) section_data += bytes(new_offset - raw_off) raw_off = new_offset # # Construct headers # headers_data = b"" def do_append(data: bytes) -> int: nonlocal raw_off, headers_data old_off = raw_off headers_data += data raw_off += len(data) return off_to_addr(old_off) # Skip over these fixed-position headers for now while we construct # dependent data and fixup the offsets referred to in these structures raw_off = ctypes.sizeof(self.header) # self.header.image_header_size = raw_off self.header.certificate_addr = off_to_addr(raw_off) raw_off += ctypes.sizeof(self.cert) self.header.section_headers_addr = off_to_addr(raw_off) self.header.section_count = len(self.sections) raw_off += len(self.sections) * ctypes.sizeof(XbeSectionHeader) # Reference count addrs ref_count_addrs = {} for sec in self.sections.values(): h = sec.header for f in [ "head_shared_page_ref_count_addr", "tail_shared_page_ref_count_addr", ]: v = getattr(h, f) if v not in ref_count_addrs: ref_count_addrs[v] = 0 ref_count_addrs[v] += 1 for v in ref_count_addrs: ref_count_addrs[v] = do_append(b"\x00\x00") # Fixup for sec in self.sections.values(): h = sec.header h.head_shared_page_ref_count_addr = ref_count_addrs[ h.head_shared_page_ref_count_addr ] h.tail_shared_page_ref_count_addr = ref_count_addrs[ h.tail_shared_page_ref_count_addr ] # # Strings + Logo # # Section names for name, sec in self.sections.items(): addr = do_append(name.encode("ascii") + b"\x00") sec.header.section_name_addr = addr do_append(bytes(round_up(raw_off, 4) - raw_off)) # Align to 4 bytes # Import directory if self.imports: import_table_offset = raw_off import_table_size = ctypes.sizeof(XbeImportDescriptor) * ( len(self.imports) + 1 ) import_strings_offset = import_table_offset + import_table_size for name, addr in self.imports: desc = XbeImportDescriptor() desc.thunk_array_addr = addr desc.image_name_addr = off_to_addr(import_strings_offset) import_strings_offset += 2 * (len(name) + 1) do_append(bytes(desc)) desc = XbeImportDescriptor() do_append(bytes(desc)) self.header.import_dir_addr = off_to_addr(import_table_offset) # Import names for name, addr in self.imports: do_append(name.encode("utf_16_le") + b"\x00\x00") if self.imports: do_append(b"\x00\x00") # ??? # Library versions self.header.lib_versions_addr = off_to_addr(raw_off) self.header.lib_versions_count = len(self.libraries) self.header.kern_lib_version_addr = 0 self.header.xapi_lib_version_addr = 0 for name, lib in self.libraries.items(): addr = do_append(bytes(lib.header)) if name == "XBOXKRNL": self.header.kern_lib_version_addr = addr elif name == "XAPILIB": self.header.xapi_lib_version_addr = addr # Library features if ( isinstance(self.header, XbeImageHeaderExtendedType1) and len(self.library_features) > 0 ): self.header.lib_features_count = len(self.library_features) self.header.lib_features_addr = off_to_addr(raw_off) for feature in self.library_features.values(): addr = do_append(bytes(feature.header)) # Debug paths self.header.debug_unicode_filename_addr = do_append( self.filename_uc.encode("utf_16_le") + b"\x00\x00" ) self.header.debug_pathname_addr = do_append(self.pathname + b"\x00") self.header.debug_filename_addr = self.header.debug_pathname_addr if self.pathname != "": self.header.debug_filename_addr += self.pathname.rfind(self.filename) do_append(bytes(round_up(raw_off, 4) - raw_off)) # Align to 4 bytes # Logo self.header.logo_addr = do_append(self.logo) do_append(bytes(round_up(raw_off, 4) - raw_off)) # Align to 4 bytes # Additional fixups # Sometimes this includes padding, other times it does not, what gives? do_append(bytes(round_up(raw_off, 0x2000) - raw_off)) # Align to 4K self.header.headers_size = raw_off self.header.image_size = ( max( s.header.virtual_size + s.header.virtual_addr for s in self.sections.values() ) - self.header.base_addr ) # Construct final image output = b"" output += bytes(self.header) output += bytes(self.cert) for name, s in self.sections.items():"Writing section %s at %#x", name, len(output)) output += bytes(s.header) output += headers_data output += section_data # MS XBEs seem to always add an extra page if the last page is completely filled # FIXME: Why? if output[-1] != 0: output += bytes(0x1000) return output
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: str) -> "Xbe": """ Create Xbe object from file path """ with open(path, "rb") as f: data = return cls(data)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Xbe name='{}' title_id=0x{:08x}>".format( self.title_name, self.cert.title_id )
[docs]class XbeSection: """ XBE Section """ def __init__(self, name: str, header: XbeSectionHeader, data: bytes): str = name self.header: XbeSectionHeader = header bytes = data def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<XbeSection name='{}' vaddr=0x{:x} vsize=0x{:x}>".format(, self.header.virtual_addr, self.header.virtual_size, )
[docs]class XbeLibrary: """ XBE Library """ def __init__(self, header: XbeLibraryVersion): self.header: XbeLibraryVersion = header str = str(, encoding="ascii") def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<XbeLibrary '%s' (%d.%d.%d)>" % (, self.header.ver_major, self.header.ver_minor, self.header.ver_build, )
[docs]class XbeLibraryFeature: """ XBE Library Feature """ def __init__(self, header: XbeLibraryFeatureDescriptor): self.header: XbeLibraryFeatureDescriptor = header str = str(, encoding="ascii") def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<XbeFeature '%s' (%d.%d.%d)>" % (, self.header.ver_major, self.header.ver_minor, self.header.ver_build, )
[docs]class XprImageHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure, StructurePrintMixin): """ XPR Image Header structure """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ # XPR Header ("magic", ctypes.c_uint32), # XPR0 ("total_size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("header_size", ctypes.c_uint32), # D3D Texture ("common", ctypes.c_uint32), ("data", ctypes.c_uint32), ("lock", ctypes.c_uint32), ("format", ctypes.c_uint32), ("size", ctypes.c_uint32), ("eoh", ctypes.c_uint32), # 0xffffffff ]
[docs]def mix(x: "RGBA", y: "RGBA", a: float) -> "RGBA": """ Linearly interpolate between x and y, returning x*(1-a) + y*a for all elements """ assert len(x) == len(y) return cast("RGBA", tuple(x[i] * (1 - a) + y[i] * (a) for i in range(len(x))))
[docs]def get_bits(value: int, hi: int, lo: int) -> int: """ Extract a bitrange from an integer """ return (value & ((1 << (hi + 1)) - 1)) >> lo
[docs]def unpack_r5g6b5(value: int) -> "RGBA": """ Unpack a 16-bit (565) RGB as a real-value color tuple in the range of [0,1] """ r = get_bits(value, 15, 11) g = get_bits(value, 10, 5) b = get_bits(value, 4, 0) return (r / 31, g / 63, b / 31, 1)
[docs]def decode_bc1(w: int, h: int, data: bytes) -> List["RGBA"]: """ Decode a BC1 (aka DXT1) compressed image to a list of pixel real-value color tuples More information about BC1 can be found at: """ # noqa: E501, pylint:disable=line-too-long assert w % 4 == 0 assert h % 4 == 0 blocks_per_row = w // 4 blocks_per_col = h // 4 num_blocks = blocks_per_row * blocks_per_col num_bytes = num_blocks * 8 assert len(data) >= num_bytes pixels: List[RGBA] = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for _ in range(w * h)] # Decode blocks for block_idx in range(num_blocks): block_y = (block_idx // blocks_per_row) * 4 block_x = (block_idx % blocks_per_row) * 4 block_data = data[(block_idx * 8) : (block_idx * 8 + 8)] c0_raw, c1_raw, indices = struct.unpack("<HHI", block_data[0:8]) alpha_enabled = c0_raw <= c1_raw c0, c1 = unpack_r5g6b5(c0_raw), unpack_r5g6b5(c1_raw) if alpha_enabled: mixed = mix(c0, c1, 1 / 2) mixed2 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: mixed = mix(c0, c1, 1 / 3) mixed2 = mix(c0, c1, 2 / 3) colors = (c0, c1, mixed, mixed2) for y in range(4): for x in range(4): bit_off = y * 8 + x * 2 color_idx = get_bits(indices, bit_off + 1, bit_off) addr = (block_y + y) * w + (block_x + x) pixels[addr] = colors[color_idx] return pixels
[docs]def decode_xpr_image(data: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int, List["RGBA"]]: """ Decode an XPR (Xbox Packed Resource) image """ log.debug("Parsing XPR header") hdr = XprImageHeader.from_buffer_copy(data, 0) log.debug(hdr) assert hdr.magic == 0x30525058, "Invalid header magic" assert hdr.eoh == 0xFFFFFFFF, "Invalid end-of-header" assert hdr.total_size == len(data), "Invalid size" assert get_bits(hdr.format, 15, 8) == 0x0C, "Format is not DXT1" assert get_bits(hdr.format, 7, 4) == 2, "Dimensionality is not 2" w = 1 << get_bits(hdr.format, 23, 20) h = 1 << get_bits(hdr.format, 27, 24) log.debug("Image is %dx%d", w, h) return (w, h, decode_bc1(w, h, data[hdr.header_size :]))
[docs]def encode_bmp(w: int, h: int, pixels: List["RGBA"]) -> bytes: """ Encode a standard Windows BMP Image File """ enc = b"" for y in range(h): y = h - y - 1 # Bitmap encodes the image "bottom-up" for x in range(w): r, g, b, a = pixels[y * w + x] enc += struct.pack( "<BBBB", int(255 * b), int(255 * g), int(255 * r), int(255 * a) ) # Encode BITMAPV5HEADER # hdr = b"BM" + struct.pack( "<3I 3I2H11I48x I12x", # Bitmap File Header 14 + 124 + len(enc), # Total size 0, # Reserved 14 + 124, # Offset to pixel array # DIB Header 124, # sizeof(BITMAPV5INFOHEADER) w, h, # Image dimensions 1, # No. color planes 32, # BPP 3, # BI_BITFIELDS len(enc), # Image size 2835, 2835, # Horizontal, Vertical Resolution (72DPI) 0, # Colors in palette (0=2^n) 0, # Important colors (0=all colors) 0x00FF0000, # Red channel bitmask 0x0000FF00, # Green channel bitmask 0x000000FF, # Blue channel bitmask 0xFF000000, # Alpha channel bitmask 0x73524742, # sRGB color space 4, # LCS_GM_IMAGES ) return hdr + enc